Color Charts

Listed below are color charts for some of our most popular custom concrete coatings. Please note that the colors shown are approximate. This is because when viewed from one computer monitor to the next the colors can appear very different. When we meet with you, we’ll be happy to bring samples of our products so you can see their true color and/or texture. We also invite you to make an appointment to come by our showroom and shop to see all the different options available located in one convenient location. Here you can see the various colors, textures and styles applied on our floors in a real working environment.

We produce all of our own samples in-house. This is especially important when considering a coatings applicator for your project. Because we make all of our own samples, you can be assured that what you see as an example is going to be the same thing as what will be applied to your concrete floor.

Granite Flake

Our decorative chip or “Granite Flake” standard color choices. Most widely used in, but not limited to, residential garage floors, these blends give you a beautiful look combined with an extremely durable surface that is also slip resistant.

Single Color System

Used in our epoxies, urethanes and polyaspartics, these top coat colors can be applied as thin-mil, as well as, high-build systems. From auto shops to manufacturing, and even in residential settings, these single color systems have a wide range of application opportunities.

Top Coat Color Chart by Bach Custom Coatings

Don’t see exactly what your looking for? Not to worry. In most cases we can create a custom color, style or texture that is tailored to your specific needs. In fact, that’s why the word custom is in our name! We believe every client should be able to have precisely what they want. It might cost slightly more, but having exactly what you want is worth the investment.

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