slip-resistant-restaurant-kitchen-floorCongratulations on opening your new restaurant! It’s an amazing feeling to finally see your dream come to fruition. You’ve got a beautiful layout, the color scheme is flawless and the environment is pleasing to all who enter. But then you look down at the floor. It’s old, boring and maybe even stained. Compared to the rest of the the place, it leaves a lot to be desired.

“But what can be done about it?”, you ask. “It’s just the floor that was here when we leased the space.” The answer; a lot! One of our specialties here at Bach Custom Coatings is reconditioning that lackluster floor and improving the overall appearance of your restaurant.

The options are endless! We offer a vast array of choices and one of them will be perfect for you and your dream restaurant. We can make it just about any color you want and we have several different textures to choose from, such as our “Granite Flake” system. Ever thought of having a metallic floor? Or a floor with 3-D special effects? We can do that. We can even add an old-world or rustic look if you prefer. The possibilities are endless.

Don’t let the beauty and style of your restaurant be limited by the floor that was already in place and don’t let your creativity stop with the décor. Bring your ideas full-circle and really add an eye-popping floor that’ll be sure to standout to everyone who enters your restaurant. Remember, this is your dream, don’t settle for less than the best!